Sunday, September 16, 2012


    Ooohh, the zombies. Where do I begin? The ceaseless undead that everyone seems to look so forward to as though it were a preferable reality to the shitty one we have now. What confuses me is that we're already in a zombie apocalypse. Politically brainless individuals herd and govern masses of brainless, heedless undead about their merry way. My only suggestion at this point is revel in the cultural variety, don't take religion too seriously, DO NOT brush off politics whether you like it or not, and be compassionate to your fellow man, but don't let them use you.

      No amount of planning will save you from zombies, whether it be by disease or bioweapon or by ignorance and stupidity. Things rarely ever go according to plan, and as far as I'm concerned, the best zombie plan is to have a sharp wit. There are so many adaptations of the beloved corpses, but how can we be certain which is the correct theory? What if all or none are correct? What will you do then? And even so, how long do you truly expect to survive something that millions could not? Food for thought.