Thursday, January 26, 2012

Like Plants We Grow

Almost every Friday for the four years I was in high school, my father and I would journey to our local Steak n' Shake for dinner. We very much enjoyed these days, and I miss them greatly. However, there was one thing I truly hated at the time, and that was waiting for the food. Oh, that dreadful wait. It felt like trench-warfare, trudging through knee-deep mud and losing strength with every passing moment.

Alas, there was a solution to my plight! Comic strips were that solution, and I read every single one of them, and oddly enough, they were just enough to pass the time. As each occasion passed, I'd grow fond of a certain few strips, such as Pickles, Get Fuzzy, Marmaduke, Family Circus, Curtis, Lio, Rose is Rose, Hagar the Horrible, Luann, and of course, the legendary Peanuts. These are but a few that I remember fondly. And every one echoed back to my inner id and my ascension to adulthood.

Peanuts lent an ear to childhood by personifying its emotions. It showed me the importance of life and all the subtle nuances that turn up. Peanuts reminded me to appreciate those moments, such as Friday evenings as Steak n' Shake.

Luann always made me chuckle by illustrating just how childish and trivial high school can be (and often was). Pickles with its passive and calm essence and art style. Family Circus with its jovial depiction of childhood, especially my own, because I would often interpret things to mean something completely differently, and even if I was wrong, I still liked my meanings more.

Nowadays I'm a cynical, bitter bastard who likes the sting of battle and a riveting plot that seems to go on forever. English comic, 2000 AD sates my appetite quite well with the notorious Judge Dredd, the enigmatic Shakara, and my personal favourite, the blue-skinned Rogue Trooper.

I'm truly privileged to be a part of this ever-expanding world of illustrated narrative, and as tumultuous the industry may be, I would have it no other way.

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