Saturday, December 1, 2012

Space Operas

    Like Magic Realism and such, I wasn't familiar with the subgenre of space opera, but now that I am, I can see that I have been exposed to it longer than I can remember. It makes plenty of sense to me that I've seen it as much as I have, since long ago, I was a attracted to things that show the operatic, such as Gundam, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battletech and the strangely satisfying Titan A.E. which are all fine examples.

    I can appreciate its scope and the sense of adventure it portrays, bringing desirable motives and character to a narrative where such things may not realistically work out. It has had a profound influence on my life over time, and has enabled me to work more character and excitement into what would probably be a stagnant setting. The romantic qualities help characters seem more relatable and three-dimensional as they deal with all sorts of problems large and small. Further made possible by talented actors and screenwriters.

    The film "Forbidden Planet" was great insight to the world of the space opera in that it shows all the tropes clearly enough to see it in many other works. At least the reason it seemed to work for me was that it was an older film that I watched with the appropriate mindset. Some would say it was Star Wars or Star Trek, but those films I haven't seen in long enough a time to really appreciate the opera aspect. With new knowledge I do look forward to watching such films and series with great enthusiasm!

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